If you need to upgrade or add new water service, you will usually need to hire an A-General Engineering Licensed contractor such as Freedom Underground. Only a General Engineering license…
Property Owner Advice – Posts in publishing order, Newest to Oldest
Homeowner Guidance: What is a “Hot Tap” When Installing a New Water Service Line?
A Hot Tap is a technique that allows the creation of a new connection to an existing, pressurized water line without cutting it and disrupting water flow. The process to…
Homeowner Guidance: Water Pressure Regulator – What is it and why would you want one?
A water pressure regular moderates high water pressure to protect your home. As a home owner, you do not want your water pressure to be too low, or too high.…
Swift Leak Detection and Repair for Unexpected Plumbing Issues
A Surprising Water Bill leads to a Hidden Water Leak A real estate agent, a repeat customer of ours, reached out about a newly purchased home in San Jose with…
Homeowner Guidance: What is a backwater valve?
A backwater valve is a plumbing device, installed on A home's sewer line, that prevents sewage from flowing back, towards and into the home. A properly installed backwater valve will…